Top 10k strings from Word Power (1983)(Sulis Software).dsk in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [DSK] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  34 Track-Info
   8 -ln-xxx)-4
   6 ;"                              ":
   3 DISK       
   2 ;"as the":
   2 ;"This is the correct answer":
   2 ;"                             ":
   2 ;"                                ":
   2  to move":
   1 ~~}}|{{zyxxwwwxxyz{{|}}~~
   1 xxx=suTrack-Info
   1 wealth       S
   1 wealth       G
   1 wealth                    D
   1 troublesomeU
   1 totpos=totpos+q+4
   1 tot=tot+s:
   1 poverty      J
   1 n=Track-Info
   1 n$="PRESENTS":
   1 k$(n)=z$(2
   1 k$(n)=w$(2
   1 k$(n)=l$(2
   1 k$(n)=i$(2
   1 k$(n)=h$(2
   1 g$="                               ":
   1 en       there        low          away         dishonest    knowledgeableinterior     superior     senior       sea          energetic    short        hideous      divorce      minimum      majority     spendthrift  cheerful     dramatic     dry          old          day          quiet        south        on           seldom       young        transparent  poverty      future       war          temporary    singular     rude         rich         feeble       blame        public       humble       poor         wrong        generous     blunt        complex      rough        moving       weak         winter       give         short        wild         those        immense      hill         worthless    defeat       wax          M
   1 desert       accelerate   accompany    accomplish   accumulate   accurate     accustomed toacquire      actual       additional   adjacent     advance      adversary    aged         aggravate    agitate      concur       aid          ailment      alert        almost       aloud        also         alter        altitude     ambiguous    amiable      annual       answer       earnest      apparel      approach     ascend       assortment   attempt      authentic    aversion     await        awake        equilibrium  forbid       nude         barren       base         bashful      substantiate tolerate     commence     beginning    beneficial   bestow       bewilder     bias         bloom        brag         brace        plait        brand        inhale       abridged     brink        construct    bulky        captive      conclusion   inexpensive  select       circular     clamour      collaborate  combine      comical      commend      commiserate  commonplace  compel       compile      comprehend   conceal 
   1 c$(n)=z$(1
   1 c$(n)=w$(1
   1 c$(n)=l$(1
   1 c$(n)=i$(1
   1 c$(n)=h$(1
   1 blind     brave     busy      cunning   slow      pale      happy     steady    timid     bright    brown     cool      deaf      gentle    hungry    obstinate proud     quiet     sober     strong    white     dry       drunk     fit       flat      fresh     light     plain     red       round     sharp     sound     stiff     thin      dark      fat       black     cold      thick     bold      dull      good      green     hard      heavy     keen      like      quick     right     safe      sour      tough     hairy     slippery  silent    old       bat       lion      bee       fox       snail     ghost     lark      rock      fawn      button    berry     cucumber  post      lamb      horse     mule      peacock   mouse     judge     horse     sheet     bone      lord      fiddle    pancake   daisy     feather   pikestaff beetroot  barrel    needle    bell      poker     rake      night     butter    coal      ice       thieves   brass     ditchwatergold      grass     nails     lead      mustard   tw
   1 bench       board       brood       company     crew        flock       herd        host        bale        batch       bouquet     bunch       chest       clump       coven       conclave    flight      nest        set         sheaf     Track-Info
   1 able         absent       accurate     adventurous  affectionate angelic      angry        anxious      athletic     autumnal     beautiful    biblical     bitter       brave        bright       careful      cautious     changeable   charitable   choral       circular     clean        colonial     comfortable  continental  courageous   crafty       creditable   criminal     cruel        curious      customary    dangerous    dark         deep         disastrous   distant      dutiful      energetic    equal        expressive   faithful     famous       fashionable  faulty       favourable   fertile      foolish      forceful     fragrant     free         full         gigantic     good         grand        great        grievous     heroic       high         holy         hopeful      hot          ironic       just         extensive    legal        lively       long         loyal        luxurious    major        melodious    merciful     merry        mischievous  moral        mountainous  musical      mysterio
   1 a few        absent       accept       adult        advanced     alive        ancestor     ancient      answer       arrive       asleep       assemble     back         backwards    bad          beautiful    below        bent         better       big          bitter       black        bless        bottom       brave        bright       broad        busy         buy          captivity    certain      cheap        clean        clever       coarse       cold         come         conceal      amateur      convex       deep         difficult    die          divide       double       drunk        dry          down         dwarf        early        east         ebb          boy          enemy        entrance     evening      ever         everywhere   expand       failure      fair play    false        familiar     famous       far          fat          few          fewer        first        foreign      find         fresh        quilty       man          hard         hate         heavy        hell         here    
   1 a few        absent       accept       adult        advanced     alive        ancestor     ancient      answer       arrive       asleep       assemble     back         backwards    bad  
   1 Opposites     F
   1 Opposites                Similes                  Collectives              Synonyms                 Adjective-Noun                                                                                                                                        
   1 N$="                          "
   1 G$((k-p)+1
   1 CPDRead v3.24
   1 A"#$%&'()*
   1 ;"your vocabulary with the games
   1 ;"your knowledge with the";
   1 ;"your answer, press 
   1 ;"you will see if you are right!":
   1 ;"you have to fire missiles to";
   1 ;"writing option, and if you";
   1 ;"words from two lists. This is":
   1 ;"will descend from the top of";
   1 ;"will be displayed at the foot";
   1 ;"up two words. One of the words";
   1 ;"typing error or press 
   1 ;"the screen. Using the 
   1 ;"the line in position, Press":
   1 ;"the line down and 
   1 ;"stop the incorrect word from";
   1 ;"spelling with the writing"
   1 ;"sentence. Once you have typed":
   1 ;"reaching the bottom word."
   1 ;"out of 30.":
   1 ;"out of 10":
   1 ;"out of ";(totpos)
   1 ;"option.";
   1 ;"of the screen. The other word";
   1 ;"make mistakes, work to improve"
   1 ;"key now"
   1 ;"joining line. Press 
   1 ;"it up. When you think you have":
   1 ;"is opposite to...":
   1 ;"have to complete a simple":
   1 ;"difficult than the games. You";
   1 ;"can try a game version first,"
   1 ;"between the matched words.":
   1 ;"attempts. Press 
   1 ;"are really stuck! GOOD LUCK!":
   1 ;"and then check your words and";
   1 ;"achieved by drawing lines":
   1 ;"Your score for that round was:":
   1 ;"You hit the correct word-OOPS!":
   1 ;"You can only have three":
   1 ;"Writing"
   1 ;"Would you like instructions?";
   1 ;"Which option do you want?":
   1 ;"Which game do you want?"
   1 ;"Which do you want?"
   1 ;"W A R N I N G":
   1 ;"Unscored":
   1 ;"Title:":
   1 ;"Title: ";B$:
   1 ;"This program will help you to"
   1 ;"This is the correct answer...":
   1 ;"This is the complete answer...":
   1 ;"The writing option is more";
   1 ;"The opposite of":
   1 ;"TITLE: ";B$;
   1 ;"Score:0"
   1 ;"Press keys 
   1 ;"Press Y or N":
   1 ;"PRESS W or M"
   1 ;"PRESS U or S"
   1 ;"PRESS M or R"
   1 ;"PRESS G or W"
   1 ;"PRESS D or E"
   1 ;"PRESS 1,2,3,4 or 5"
   1 ;"PRESS  S or L"
   1 ;"Level of difficulty?":
   1 ;"Key in the synonym:":
   1 ;"Key in the noun":
   1 ;"Key in the adjective":
   1 ;"In this game you have to match";
   1 ;"In this game you have to match":
   1 ;"In the writing option you":
   1 ;"How do you want to work?":
   1 ;"Easier":
   1 ;"Do you want:"
   1 ;"Difficult":
   1 ;"Complete the sentence: "
   1 ;"Alternatively, you can test";
   1 ;"    E N D  O F  R O U N D    ":
   1 ;"                  ":
   1 ;"                  "
   1 ;"                   ":
   1 ;"                    ":
   1 345667889:::;<<==>>??@@@AAA@@@???>>>===<<<<==>>?@AABBCCCDDEEEFFFGGGHHHHHHHGGGFFFEEEDDDDEEFFGHIIJJKKKLLLMMMNNNOOOPPPPPQRSSTTUVWXYXWVUTTSSRRRRQQQPPPPPPQQRRSTUVVWXXXYYYZZZ[[[[[ZZYZZ[\]]^_``ab]]\[ZZYZZ[\]]^_``abbbbbbaaa```___^^^]]]^^^___```aaabbbbbccdeffghijkklmnoppqqrsrqqpponmlkkjjjiiihhhgggggghhiijklmmnnoooopppqqqrrrssstttuuuvvvwwwxxxxxwwwvvvuuutttsssrrrqqqpppooooppqqrssttuuvvvwwwxxxyyyzzz{{{zzzyyyxxxwwwvvvvuuuutttsssrrrqqqqqrrrssstttuuuuvvvvwwwxxxyyyzzz{{|}~
   1 22223334445666778899::;<<=<<;::988766544321100////0011233445667889::;<=<;::988766544321100////0011233455677899:;;<=<;;;;<<===========<<;;:98876654321100/////000122344566789:;<<<;;;;<<<<===<;;;;<<<;;;;<<<<===<;:988766544322100/001223445667889:;<<;;;;<<<<<<======<<;;;;;<<======<<;::98876654321100/////001123445667889::;<<=>>?@@ABBCDDEFEDDCBBA@@?>>=<<;::988766544321100///0011223445667889::;<<=<<;::98876654432110/..-,,+**)(('&'(()**+,,-../01123445667889::;<<======<<;:9876654432211000////00100////000112222334455667889:;;<<===========<<;;:98876654321100/////000122344566789:;;<<<;;;;;<<<<<=<;;:998766544321100////0011233445667889::;<=<;::988766544321100////0011233455677899:;;<=<;;:9988877777888999::;<<======<<;;::9887655433211000/////0001122334455677899:;;;<<===<;:988766544322100/001223445667889:;<<;;;;:::::;;;;<<<
   1 -xxx;k$(n):
   1 )="use words accurately":
   1 )="the menu":
   1 )="the menu"
   1 )="spell words correctly"
   1 )="more words":
   1 )="know more words":
   1 )="a random exercise?"
   1 )="Synonyms":
   1 )="Similes":
   1 )="Shooting":
   1 )="Opposites":
   1 )="Collectives":
   1 )="Adjective-Noun":
   1 )=" as the ":
   1 )=" as an ":
   1 )=" as a ":
   1 "without prior permission in     ","writing from the publishers. It ","is sold subject to the condition","that it shall not, by way of    ","trade or otherwise, be lent or  ","hired out without the publishers","prior consent and without a     ","similar condition including this","condition being imposed on the  ","subsequent purchaser.           "
   1 "VERY GOOD"
   1 "This software is copyright, and ","must not be copied or reproduced","in any form or by any means,    ","whether by individuals, groups  ","or institutions including       ","educational institutions,       "
   1  to see if you are right!":
   1  to move the":
   1  to erase a":
   1  reply        serious      clothing     come near    go up        mixture      try          genuine      dislike      wait for     wake up      balance      ban          naked        sterile      bottom       shy          bear out     bear with    begin        start        good         give         confuse      prejudice    flower       boast        support      braid        make         breathe      shortened    edge         build        big          prisoner     ending       cheap        choose       round        noise        work togethermix          funny        praise       sympathize   ordinary     force        put together understand   hide         idea         think about  plot         use up       carry on     change       reproduction fake         polite       believable   cure         curious      usual        harm         danger       dead         refuse       take away    flaw         put off      lack         certain      go           hardworking  robber       talk about   gloomy       ignore 
   1   tuft        pack        plague      school      string      swarm       shoal       troop       troupe      flight      pride       hand        peal        punnet      rope        ball        skein       truss                   magistrates directors   chickens    actors      sailors     sheep       cattle      angels      cotton      bread       flowers     grapes      drawers     bushes      witches     cardinals   stairs      wasps       golf clubs  corn        grass       thieves     locusts     dolphins    sausages    bees        fish        monkeys     dancers     swallows    lions       bananas     bells       strawberriespearls      string      wool        hay                     
   1   study        sympathy     terror       tide         trouble      type         vanity       value        variety      victory      voice        volcano      warmth       weakness     weariness    width        winter       wisdom       wit          wood         wretch       year         
   1      wise         witty        wooden       wretched     yearly       ability      absence      accuracy     adventure    affection    angel        anger        anxiety      athlete      autumn       beauty       bible        bitterness   bravery      brightness   care         caution      change       charity      choir        circle       cleanliness  colony       comfort      continent    courage      craft        credit       crime        cruelty      curiosity    custom       danger       darkness     depth        disaster     distance     duty         energy       equality     expression   fidelity     fame         fashion      fault        favour       fertility    folly        force        fragrance    freedom      fullness     giant        goodness     grandeur     greatness    grief        hero         height       holiness     hope         heat         irony        justice      extent       law          life         length       loyalty      luxury       majority     melody       mercy        mer
   1                           B